Genderfuck Duet

Genderfuck Machine (edit)

Genderfuck Machine

Genderfuck by Rage and the machines

GENDERFUCK the story of the self finding its identity in sex, self, healing and power. The narrator talks about parental expectations, early Eros, passionate pursuits and working through the damage that can be exacted on oneself by others and then in the end maintained by no other than ourselves. We choose to heal.

"GENDERFUCK" Find what turns you on and revel in it. Explore passion and delight for they are the wellsprings of the soul. Do not let culture or fear stop you. Don't be ignorant either.


Genderfuck time my darling

take me to the heights of passion

do anything you want with me

dress me up in fetish fashion

parade me all around the world

who needs a color code when

black is the primary color

in my fashion

patent priestess I confess my sins

purple heart, stories of me

tighted fist prepare the sacrifice

find me home tonight

Touch me once more with

the tesla toy

electric dreams come to life

bring pulsations of joy

cure the heart

of the grrl fucked boy

reichs release and tension

djinni bottle makes me scream

come baby

harness that thing

read the books got the cover

feminism new delights

brings genderfuck its lover

to the altar of night

purverse little kitten

cum show me truth


take me, take me, take me, take me again


Audio Terrorist Discography send all email to: Fringe X
All contents copyright 1993 Ground Zero Productions and not for unauthorized use or distribution.